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Railing Post (8) |
There are about a dozen code requirements related to stair railings. We'll
touch on a few of them here and you can finish reading the rest of the story in
the Railing and Stairs section. To
begin, regardless of what the railing looks like, it needs to have a handrail
set between a height of 30 to 34 inches above an imaginary line drawn through
the nosing of the stair treads (your local code may require a slightly different
range so be sure to check). In other words, you need to measure straight up
and down from the outside edge of a stair tread, the nose, to the top of the
handrail. This is easily done with the aid of a level standing on end at the
edge of the stairs.
So what constitutes a handrail? Well, although the top of stair railings may
serve as a handrail, usually it doesn't. The reason for this is that by code
handrails have to meet "graspability" rules. What this means is that
the handrail has to be easily grabbed by the young and old; it can't be too wide or
too tall. Otherwise, people won't be able to get their hand around it when they
need it the most. Since the top cap of most railings is a 2x4 or 2x6 laying flat
or standing on edge, the cap does not meet one of several "graspability"
rules. In particular, one rule states that the sum of the top and two sides of
the handrail must be less than 6.25 inches total with a maximum width of 2.25 inches.
If you elect to install a separate handrail, make sure to get good
brackets. There is usually a selection of two or more standard handrail brackets
to choose from. Spend the extra dollar and get the stout ones. Using purchased
brackets will help ensure you meet two other handrail codes. The first requires
that there is at least a 1.5 inch gap between the handrail and the wall and the
second states that the handrail may not project into the stairway more than 3.5
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