Marking The Location, Clean-up, and Obstacles
Layout your holes using your batter board string lines and a can of red spray paint. If you're using an auger, the soil is going to fly so mark an oversized circle or big "X" on the ground. That way you'll be able to see if the auger needs to be repositioned because it has drifted a bit while drilling. Once the holes are dug, invariably you’ll end up with a few that aren’t quite on center. After the power equipment has the holes roughed out, reset your string lines and check which holes need to be widened and by how much. Make sure to use a plumb bob that you hold up right next to your string lines. Looks can be deceiving. Just standing over your string lines and looking down into the hole doesn't work too well. Mark right on the ground with your spray paint where adjustments are needed.
Once you get the holes in the right location, confirm that you've dug down to undisturbed soil. When the big equipment is done, there will typically be at least of few inches of soil that was loosened but not removed by the auger. Don't be fooled. Power augers leave a layer of loosened soil that has only been slightly recompressed by the weight of the auger on the bottom of the hole. This makes it look like the hole is clean down to undisturbed soil when it’s really not. Always make sure to dig a little at the bottom of each hole with a posthole digger just to make sure all the loose soil is out.
It's not that uncommon to hit at least one really huge boulder right where a footing can’t be easily relocated. When this happens, dig alongside the boulder to make sure it extends below the frost line and then pour the pier right on top of the boulder. In some cases, where the boulder is only partially interfering, you may pour the footing along side the boulder. Cut the concrete forming tube to fit up alongside the boulder and increase the footing thickness. The content under the "How-To" menu is a small sampling of all the material covered on BestDeckSite. For immediate access to in-depth information on excavation, frost heave, soil bearing capacity, and sizing footings, as well as, comprehensive coverage of all aspects of gazebo and deck building, get a password and log-in now. Footings