Removable/Access Deck BoardDrainage Notches: It's the responsibility of the ledger board flashing to divert all the water cascading down the face of the siding out over the top of the ledger board. If any water gets behind the ledger board, it will create a moist environment perfect for wood destroying fungi. During a driving rain, the ledger flashing is really put to the test. Given this, it makes sense to cut drainage notches on the underside of the decking board closest to the house. These notches will provide an easy way out for water trapped between the first decking board and the ledger flashing. You can do this by setting your circular saw blade at a depth of 3/4" and making a series of side-by-side cuts to create notches as shown.
Gap Removable Deck Board 1/4" From Flashing: Space the drainage notches so they land about mid-way between the floor joists - you don't want a notch directly over a joist where it can become easily plugged up by debris. Additionally, set this special board 3/8" away from the flashing to form a sort of canal for the water to easily run along- until it finds the closet drainage notch. Support Diagonal Decking With 2x Blocking: The picture shows decking that is running diagonally. In this case, you'll need to nail in 2x blocking in a line (decking running parallel to the house does not need blocking). One end of each block is nailed in straight with two 16d nails and the other end is hit with two more 16d nails driven at a slight angle - right next to the previously installed block. For diagonal decking, using a special notched board with 2x blocking gives you a solid frame to screw down the ends of the decking boards, in order to prevent screwing into the ledger flashing. This is preferable to framing without blocking where some ends wouldn't have any nearby support.
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