Gazebo Plans |
BestDeckSite sells a limited selection of high
quality prepackaged deck and gazebo plans. These plans are sold separately and are available for immediate access via download. If
designing a gazebo from scratch isn't your "cup of tea", then our
electronic gazebo plans are the answer.
Gazebo Plan Features |
Unsurpassed Value & Quality
All BestDeckSite electronic gazebo plans included printable blueprints and a
detailed materials list. In addition, every part of the building process is
spelled out step-by-step. When you purchase a BestDeckSite gazebo plan, you're not just buying a set of blueprints, you're
buying comprehensive construction information that guides you through the
entire building process. You'll be shown how to measure every board and
angle, as well as, how to make every cut. Our plans leave "no stone
Comprehensive Construction Information
The blueprints and materials list are really just the starting point of
all BestDeckSite downloadable plans. In addition, each gazebo plan has hundreds
pages filled with images that show in detail to build your
gazebo right. In comparison, take a look at the FAQ
to see the limitations of other plans.
Our plans don't leave you wondering how to get the job done. With the help
of our gazebo plans, you'll easily be able to complete the job yourself and avoid having
to pay someone else. Build your dream gazebo with your own
two hands and save thousands. Take satisfaction in
knowing your gazebo is built to last.
Easy To Use
All our electronic gazebo plans are fully printable and are compatible with any
Windows computer with the Internet Explorer web browser installed. The plans
are viewed using Internet Explorer and do not require any special software.
There's no waiting; you can download your plans and be reading all about how
to build your dream gazebo today.
Available Gazebo Plans |
BestDeckSite currently only has one style of gazebo plan for
sale. Please check back often for future gazebo plan additions.
Octagonal Gazebo Plan
- Design: Eight-sided octagonal gazebo with 7:12 pitch roof.
Designed for high winds and up to a 60psf snow load.
- Sizes:
- 10-Foot Wide Gazebo: 64sqft floor area
- 12-Foot Wide Gazebo: 97sqft floor area
- 14-Foot Wide Gazebo: 136sqft floor area
- Plans: Step-by-step instructions on how to layout and cut every
board. Over 100 pictures and details clearly show how to assemble every part.
- File Size: 10.3Mb
- Printable: yes, fully printable
- Macintosh Compatible: no
- Windows Compatible: yes (Vista Help) (Win 7 Help)
- Handheld Compatible: no
- System Requirement: Internet Explorer
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Gazebo plans are not available.